Some'10 to think about

I've decided to name 2010 a year of redemption.
Redemption: being saved from error.
An error made twice makes me nauseated.
To free myself from distresses or harm. That is my solution. My resolution.
I tried to do it all. I found out that I can't and I don't want to.
It's overwhelming and has not worked out for me.
I'm the type of person that can't say no. That's going to change. Im getting bolder each day.
I need to look out for myself.
Maturity and simplicity is what I aim for.
I need to find what is most important in my life at the moment.
Bring it to a bare minimum and go for it.
Right now that's fam, an education, and the very few friends I treat like family.
Now I know what I want. I just need to work to get there.
Now this doesn't mean that i'm going to become some prune. If you know me, then you'll know that i'm forever young.
So if you're always stressed or keep making the same mistakes, don't trip. Take a step back and look at what's good in your life and what's causing all your anxiety. That's the easy part. Now you need to take action and be mature enough to take yourself out of the bad and transition into the good. Do what you say. Because if you don't, then you just wasted your time daydreaming.