Ode 314

Those who don't feel this Love
pulling them like a river,
those who don't drink dawn
like a cup of spring water
or take in sunset like supper,
those who don't want to change, 

let them sleep. 
This Love is beyond the study of theology,
that old trickery and hypocrisy.
If you want to improve your mind that way, 

sleep on. 
I've given up on my brain.
I've torn the cloth to shreds
and thrown it away. 

If you're not completely naked,
wrap your beautiful robe of words
around you, 

and sleep.



 Collecting songs with a little more substance, integrity, and purity.
Give this a listen . . . 

Expect Favor

I've always had this attitude where I never expect anything from certain people, because I never want to be disappointed or taken for a fool. I tend to take what people say with a grain of salt.  When they tell me that they're going to do something, I wait until I see it happen. I have to remember that this does not apply to God. 

The Lord bestows favor and honor; no good things does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless.
Psalm 84:11

“ You are a child of the Most High God. You walk in his favor each day. Not because of who you are but because of whose you are. God wants us to be favor minded. This means that you are releasing your faith knowing that God wants to bless you.  Knowing God’s favor will bring you to a place of peace, hope, and victory.”

Recently I have been very thankful for ALL that God has blessed me with, and it has changed my attitude towards life. It seems like I can never go more than a few days without something going terribly wrong. And when the storm comes, it hits hard. This allows me to look at all that I take for granted. My family, my friends, my laptop, my job, my phone, etc. When I realize all that I DO have, then the problem becomes less of an obstacle and just a simple bump in the road. I can carry on with a smile on my face. 

Don't think outside the box. Use it.

David Choong Lee is a sweet and genuine man with sick talent. There are a lot of artists that like to be BA, but Lee is secure enough to be a nice guy. His detailed paintings make me appreciate an artist with patience. He uses canvases, but his signature medium is a block of wood. His style is clean and put together. I love how he uses realistic paintings of people and places them in a dream.