Da kine of artist I want to be is a kind one.

I've been obsessed with artist videos for the past few months.
There are a lot of them out there. 
What makes me different? We all use the same materials.
What separates us is what we stand for.
There are some artists that have harsh and derogatory images.
That's not my style.
I might sound like a hippy, but this is me. 
I want to spread hope. 
My biggest pet peeve is when I hear someone say "I can't"
Don't limit yourself. When you go through a storm, don't give up. 
Have faith and let hope guide you.
There's always gonna be haters telling you that you can't do it.
They don't know you like I do.
At times I feel hopeless, I am guilty of that. 
That's why I keep praying.

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